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Google Consent Mode V2 - Valid from March 7, 2024


As many have probably already heard, Google has been switching to Consent Mode Version 2 since March 7, 2024. Essentially, it's about transmitting the user's decision made in the consent banner to the Google tracking codes. Action is required here if the tracking of Google Ads campaigns and individual functions are to continue to function correctly.

 The essentials in brief

If the change is not made, the following functions will no longer be available:

  • Conversion transfer from Google Analytics to Google Ads
  • Target groups transfer from Google Analytics to Google Ads for retargeting
  • Target group measurement in Google Ads for retargeting
  • Probably in the course of the year: Google Ads Conversion Tracking (According to Google, this is not yet affected, but it sounds like this will also be changed in the future)

What is necessary for customization?

  • The adjustments must be made either by tracking specialists in Google Tag Manager or directly in the website code.
  • If you use a certified consent management platform, such as the ConsentManager tool, in many cases it is sufficient to activate consent mode in the tool settings.
  • However, after the changeover, a specialist should check that the transmission is correct, as additional fine-tuning may be necessary depending on the existing tracking setup.

More details: What does consent mode actually do?

With the help of Consent Mode, Google products are informed whether consent to data collection has been given or not. If this consent is given, then tracking works as usual. If consent is not given, Google restricts data collection. As a result, no or only limited data is collected. This also depends on the selected mode of Consent Mode V2 (more on this under ‘Further information’).

Because Google is aware of the rejection, the tools have a better overview of the total number of users on the website and can adjust the data collected. For example, modeling can be used to adjust data on conversions achieved and other interactions.

Differences from version 1

  • Consent Mode Version 2 is required for applicable Google products. The requirement relates to the remarketing collection of Google Ads and Analytics.
  • It is also required to use a Google-certified consent management platform (see here for a complete list). These are the official statements from Google. Based on current knowledge, Consent Mode 2 can also be implemented with “non-certified platforms” (but requires adjustments to the tracking setup).

In both cases, tracking only takes place if consent is given.

 Additional information

If you have any questions about Consent Mode Version 2 or need help with the implementation, please feel free to contact us.


Mathias Bendl