Limits in Google Analytics 4

Google itself has well documented the limits in GA4 and divides them into data collection limits and configuration limits.
We have listed them here and added some limits that are still known to us:

Max number of GA4 properties (per Analytics account) 2.000  
Max number of Analytics accounts (per Google user) 100 (but you can inquire more under  
Length of property name 24 characters  
Data Streams Each GA4 property can have a maximum of 50 data streams (App streams are limited to 30).
Notice: When a stream is deleted, the data collected with it disappears from the property's reports. Google says the data will be retained in the property, but we have not been able to confirm this. A deleted data stream cannot be recovered.
In GA4 configured Item Limit (per Property) Can I delete items if I'm close to the limit?
Audiences 100 (for 360 it's 400) Yes
Conversions (user-defined) 30 (for 360 it's 50) Yes
Funnels 200 Yes
Registered Text-Parameter 50 Yes
Registered Number-Parameter 50 Yes

200 created per user

500 shared (for 360 it's 1.000)

Events (common limits)
Max number of events (with different names)

500 per app-instance (app)

500 per client ID (web)

These limits do not apply to "automatically collected events", i.e. events that are sent automatically and only have to be activated in Google Analytics (e.g. downloads). A list of the automatically recorded events can be found here:

Marked conversion-events (user-defined) 30 (for 360 it's 50) Yes
Events (Event-Scope)
Event name length 40 characters (An event name must start with a letter and may only contain letters, numbers and underscores. Upper and lower case letters are distinguished.) -
Length of event parameter names 40 characters (The Parameter name must start with a letter and may only contain letters, numbers and underscores. Upper and lower case letters are distinguished.) -
Length of event parameter values 100 characters -
Max number of event parameters per event 25 (for 360 it's 100) Yes
Registered custom conversion events 30 (for 360 it's 50) Yes
User properties - Event-Parameter in user_properties (User-Scope)
Length of user property names (parameter names) 24 characters (The Parameter name must start with a letter and may only contain letters, numbers and underscores. Upper and lower case letters are distinguished.) -
Length of user property values (parameter values) 36 characters -
Max number of user properties (parameters) 25 per property No
Length of User-ID value 256 characters -
Custom Definitions (Dimensions and Metrics)
Custom Dimensions User-scoped: 25 (for 360 it's 100)
Event-scoped: 50 (for 360 it's 125)
Item-scoped: 10 (for 360 it's 25)
(The Dimension name must start with a letter and may only contain letters, numbers and underscores. Upper and lower case letters are distinguished.)
Yes (overwrite)
Custom Metrics 50 (for 360 it's 125)
(The Metric name must start with a letter and may only contain letters, numbers and underscores. Upper and lower case letters are distinguished.)
Yes (overwrite)
Calculated Metrics 5 (for 360 it's 50) Yes (overwrite)
Data Privacy
Data retention Up to 14 months (for 360 it's up to 50 months) -
Everything else
Explore sampling limits 10 Mio. events per query (for 360 it's 1 Mrd.) -
Google Ads links 400 Yes
API quotas 25.000 tokens per day (for 360 it's 250.000 tokens) -
BigQuery Export Daily export: 1 Mio. events (for 360 it's Billions of events)
(Streaming export: unlimited)



  • For the (event or user-scoped) custom dimensions, the quota can be checked in Google Analytics.
    To do this, select "Custom definitions" in the navigation on the left and then click the "Quota information" button at the top right.

Other GA4 Limits:

  • For first time users and users that have not returned within 60 days, conversion events must be sent with an 8 hour delay.

Apart from these limits there are other limits in Google Analytics. These can be found on the following pages:

Last Update: 14.04.2022